
Below you will find all the final documentation outlining the entire process and procedure for the application development steps including but not limited to, ideation, user flow, mockup, walkthrough, and learnings. This explains the rigor and detail needed to create, test, and refine a working prototype for later development.

User Testing

World leaders in research-based user experience, the Nielsen Norman Group states, “If you test with only 5 users, you can still reveal 85% of core issues.”  conducted user testing on the previously showcased low fidelity prototype to better refine the design, user experience and overall application moving forward.

Final Development Walkthrough

A mobile application prototype is an effective way to walkthrough and sell a final solution. One way to do this is to create a video walk through of the application highlighting the features, explaining the reasons for the solution, and providing an in-depth presentation of all the work involved in the creation. Please enjoy the below video doing just that:

The process enlightens every aspect of decision making. From IA mapping, User Flows, Low-fidelity mockups, User Testing, medium-fidelity mockups, and an ultimate final high-fidelity design and walkthrough, each step leads to the next. Informing the next step in the process and making everything more effective and user centric, which is the most crucial part. This is an excellent example of every step needed to ensure the user is satisfied.